Goulburn Valley Showjumping Club

Goulburn Valley Show Jumping Club aims to provide a safe, respectful environment for all members and promote the future of Show Jumping & other disciplines


To Achieve and Enjoy

Mission Statement:

“Goulburn Valley Show Jumping Club aims to provide a safe, respectful environment for all members and promote the future of Show Jumping and other associated equestrian disciplines.”


“To provide opportunities for all members to gain exposure to, and experience in quality events and clinics, with an emphasis on supporting and mentoring our Young Members.”


-To mentor all members to further their knowledge and skills in the equestrian arena.
-To provide skill based coaching and training to all members.
-To provide a system for each individual to reach their goal.
-To promote and achieve all desired levels under the auspice of the Equestrian Federation.
-No member shall feel obligated to participate or volunteer at any major event.

Community organization